Welcome To The Power of Being You Podcast! How many times have you felt like YOU were the problem, that you were different, and things would be easier if you changed to “fit the mold”? Well, what if that wasn’t true? What if you being you, exactly as you are, with all your uniqueness - is what the world requires right now. What if you are the change required to create a greater future? Hosted by Sarah Grandinetti and produced by the Being You Facilitators, this podcast invites you to meet a series of unique and brilliant guests as they share their stories, their difference, and their willingness to be themselves no matter what. Get some new perspectives and tools while being inspired by the change that one simple and yet transforming choice can create in our lives, society, and the world! More here: thepowerofbeingyoupodcast.com
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Episode 12 - Choosing Gratitude over Judgement
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
In this week’s episode, our host Sarah Grandinetti, interviews Betsy Mcloughlin Being You Facilitator, co-author of ten books and show host of the Imperfect Brilliance radio show.
There was a time in Betsy’s life when her days were filled with depression, sadness and anger, along with an intensity in her body that made her question, “Is life truly worth living?”.
Listen as Betsy takes us through her turning point in 2021, where she acknowledged something had to change.
She allowed her body to start contributing to her choices and began to discover her power of being in the world!
Take Aways:
• How dropping your barriers with yourself can allow a different possibility to show up.
• Acknowledging the blind spots you may have in any area of your life and the change you can receive when you do.
• Questions to ask to have more communion with your body.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/accessbetsy,
Website: www.creatingyumminess.com