Welcome To The Power of Being You Podcast! How many times have you felt like YOU were the problem, that you were different, and things would be easier if you changed to “fit the mold”? Well, what if that wasn’t true? What if you being you, exactly as you are, with all your uniqueness - is what the world requires right now. What if you are the change required to create a greater future? Hosted by Sarah Grandinetti and produced by the Being You Facilitators, this podcast invites you to meet a series of unique and brilliant guests as they share their stories, their difference, and their willingness to be themselves no matter what. Get some new perspectives and tools while being inspired by the change that one simple and yet transforming choice can create in our lives, society, and the world! More here: thepowerofbeingyoupodcast.com
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Episode 67 - Be Willing to Question Anything and Everything
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Being “authentically you” has quickly become a trending topic worldwide. Which is awesome! And…how do you know what IS you? How do you even begin that journey?
We’re constantly surrounded by an overwhelming variety of influences, and even people directly suggesting we do things a certain way. But, is any of that really true for you?
On this journey, many people think that to discover “you”, you have to define who you are. What if it’s more about un-defining you and stepping into the adventure of infinite possibilities?
Join Sarah Grandinetti and Kate Sarton in this podcast episode where they invite you to “Be Willing to Question Anything and Everything.”
They explore the power of curiosity and asking questions, and what it looks like to start to untangle yourself from all the things you thought you had to be.
What if asking questions, looking
for the possibilities beyond our conclusions and discovering more of you every day is the most exciting adventure you can embark on?
Give this episode a listen, and see what you discover!
Take aways:
-Who are you beyond your roles and what you’ve decided you are?
-Get curious! What lights you up and is true for you? Play with the Light & Heavy tool.
-Every day ask:
🌟“Who am I today and what grand and glorious adventure awaits?”
🌟“If I were truly being me here, what would I choose?”
🌟“What else is possible I’ve never considered?”
- When you step into being more of you, it is so much easier to empower others, too, including your kids.
- For more tools, check out Dr. Dain’s Tour of Consciousness at www.tourofconsciousness.com
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Episode 66 - Projections, Expectations & Kittens Galore
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Have you ever noticed that you act differently with different people? Do you interact with your parents the same way as you do your friends? Or with your significant other or your boss?
What’s really fascinating is that it’s not just the words you say or the relationship you have with them, it’s also what you are aware of with them and how they view you.
Welcome to the world of projections!
Believe it or not, we are incredibly aware of everyone around us. And, we all have points of view about each other that we project out as we walk through the world.
It can be something that you project and expect them to be, or that they project on you, or a projection about how you both interact.
Projections are everywhere; we even have them of ourselves, too. And, if they weren’t right or wrong but simply information we can receive, what becomes possible from there?
In this episode, our host, Sarah Grandinetti, and our phenomenal guest, Monica Gilliam, talk about what is possible when you are aware of projections. And, what it’s like to go beyond them and receiving them as information.
What if you can create what you desire in every interaction and have fun while doing it?
What if being aware of other people’s projections gives us information about them and interacting with them?
And, if you change your point of view about someone or some thing, what becomes available?
Take aways:
- You don’t have to avoid or ignore the projections people have of you, that you have of others, or that you have of yourself.
- Start asking to become aware of all of the projections. Acknowledging them is the first step of changing them and being able to use them to your advantage.
- Other peoples projections are not bigger than you, they are just information of what their Point of View is.
- When you catch yourself being something interesting ask: what am I being right now? Do I enjoy this? What am I creating with it?
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Episode 65 - This F*CKlNG Changes and I’m Having This
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Do you have certain areas of your life that you always say you want to change but they never do? And do you have some others where you just think of change and it happens instantaneously? What is the difference??
On this Podcast episode our host, Sarah Grandinetti, talks with Ryan Tee about how he changed his seemingly i changeable financial reality.
Ryan used to have a list of justifications about why it was unchangeable, mixed with his secret reasons of why he didn’t really want it to change, and all topped off with the false desire to create a different possibility.
He shares how he jumped from that reality and belief system to truly creating different financial reality.
Amazingly, he didn’t just create a reality of ease with money for himself, but one where he can also contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars towards creating a greater more sustainable planet.
Join us to discover and explore the tools he used to change it. While his journey meant going beyond his comfort zone and facing his doubts, he learned to always trust in himself, what he can create, and trust the universe.
Take aways:
-Ask yourself: Do you trust that you can create it? Do you trust that the universe will deliver?
-Be willing to be brutally honest with you; do you really want to change it?
-The universe will show you what’s possible all the time. Ask to be shown, and be willing to receive!
Thursday May 11, 2023
Episode 64 - The Curiosity of Discovering YOU
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Are you living your life trying to achieve or maintain an image, or are you creating a life you truly enjoy?
In this world we are surrounded my images. Take a simple scroll through social media and it’s hard to miss the fact that so many of us try to only show the “best” versions of ourselves.
How much of what you choose in your life is because you are seeking to have more of that “ideal” image?
But, is that ever truly being you?
In this podcast episode our host, Sarah Grandinetti, and our amazing guest, Brendon Watt, dive deep into the journey of actual vulnerability. They extrapolate about the pursuit of creating, achieving and maintaining an image and the amount of rightness and avoidance that you must have in your life to have it in place.
Warning: this conversation might fry your brain!
What if you didn’t have to hide what you truly desire?
What if you didn’t have to maintain an image?
What would it be like to live a life of vulnerability and unapologetically being you?
Take aways:
- Start acknowledging where you are choosing an image of yourself and ask: what would it take to be more of me here?
- Where else can you choose vulnerability in your life instead of having to be “right”?
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Episode 63 - Coloring outside the lines
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Are you living your life based on the checklist of success? Or, are you asking yourself every single day what you are desiring to choose and create?
Most of us have been taught to check the boxes in life, and that when we get enough checked we will be happy and successful. But, what happens when you’ve checked all the boxes and you realize it’s not creating what you thought it would?
In this podcast episode, Sarah Grandinetti explores what’s beyond the checklist of life with the colorful Ninfis Sanchez. Ninfis shares how she went from being an unsatisfied but successful, young corporate worker that had almost completed her life checklist, to actually exploring the question of “What do I really want, even if it looks like nothing I’ve had so far? And, even if no one else gets it?”
Join us for a journey into what it looks like to start choosing for you. It doesn’t have to happen with a giant leap off of a cliff. It can start day by day with incorporating seemingly small moments that increase your joy.
Take aways:
- What color can you add to your life (literally and figuratively) that would start to change the perspective you have of your life?
- Where can you start choosing your joy in even the small things? Choose, create and nurture the space of your joy.
- When there is something in your life that you can’t change (like a coworker you have to work with), what is it that you can change for you that makes this easier for you?
- Ask: “What else is possible?” and “How does it get any better that this?” every day. Let the questions and the universe surprise you with the infinite possibilities available.
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Episode 62 - Changing Your Life for Free
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
How many milestones do you have in your life that you use to measure your level of success? Many of us are told that there are these things that when you achieve them, you will finally be successful and happy. Like having the perfect family, career, investments, heath, body, etc. But are any of those really what you desire?
How much are you creating your life based on other people’s ideas and notions, and how much are you creating out of the joy of living?
Are you living what truly lights you up and enthuses you or are you choosing based on other people's achievements, expectations and views of how your life should be?
Join Sarah Grandinetti and her amazing guest Nikolett, for an expansive episode in possibilities and creation. Nikolett shares how she went from being a really successful, but unhappy, hair stylist, to having a terrible accident that entirely changed her life. While she had to be in bed for months, it was actually the first time she felt happy in a long while and it became the beginning of a journey of discovering what she really is capable of creating. She had to be willing to choose, even if no one else understood. Now she has massive Access Consciousness classes and a huge following all around the world.
(Disclaimer: You don't have to have a traumatic event in your life to choose this, you could do it right now 😉.)
Take aways:
-What if everything you want and are capable of is so beyond this reality that you can’t cognize it yet?
-What would you choose to create if you were not only creating for yourself?
-Acknowledge that what you are choosing right now is a gift to what you are asking for in the future.
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Episode 61 - Creating Miracles by Being You
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Do you ever wonder what abilities you have with communicating that go beyond words? We have a special story to share in this week’s episode.
Join Sarah Grandinetti and our wonderful guest, Mary Case, for an exploration into possibilities beyond words.
Mary shares a beautiful story about her patient Serena. Serena is a non-verbal, autistic young adult, who for years struggled with communicating. Traditional therapy never worked for her. While Mary was only an elementary music teacher when they met, she was such an invitation to Serena that Serena progressed beyond what years of traditional treatment never offered.
How could this be possible? Mary had a willingness to meet Serena where she was and communicate with her in the way she required. And, by doing this she created results that past caretakers and therapists couldn’t get to.
While this podcast episode shares a story about this particular case, there is so much that we can get as inspiration and awareness for our day to day life.
What abilities do you have with communicating that are a gift to the whole planet?
Take aways:
- There is no incongruence in non verbal communication. Ask to also have that when you have verbal communication.
- If you want to be better at non verbal communication, you have to stop doubting everywhere you are already having it. Acknowledge every moment you communicate beyond words.
- If you are trying to communicate with someone that is non verbal, give up your point of view that they have to communicate more like you. Meet them where they are at.
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Episode 60 - The Potency of Choosing for You
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Would you be willing to choose for you? To follow the energies and change your mind and go beyond any definition or role you may have decided you were?
Definition by definition alone is a limitation. What if those definitions and labels are only a molecule of all that you truly are?
What have you decided that you have to be that is limiting you from perceiving other possibilities?
In this Power of Being You podcast episode, Sarah Grandinetti and our phenomenal guest, Emily Russell, dive into exploring what lies beyond our roles and definitions. And what becomes available when you’re willing to energy shop for the life you desire.
Join us for the joyful, never-ending adventure of discovering you!
Take aways
Stop labeling yourself, it will only block your awareness.
-Ask: What do I truly desire that I’ve not yet discovered?
-What can you add to your life? From the smallest little choices to the bigger leaps, what can you add to your life?
-Make an energetic shopping list.
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Episode 59 - The Adventure of Parenting
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Were you fully acknowledged, in the bigness of your very being, as a kid? Or were you treated more as, well….a kid?
Believe it or not, even as kids, we are aware beings. We’re just in little bodies. But, so often, that isn’t acknowledged.
Instead, so much of “parenting” is presented as telling kids what the right thing to be and choose. A series of answers to set a child up to be successful or fit in. To show kids how to become whatever version of adults they should be.
As a parent it can be a tough job to find the right way to create the desired result with your kids. There is always an infinite number of experts out there with the newest method that many times completely invalidates the one that was trendy a couple of months ago.
In this podcast episode, Sarah Grandinetti and our phenomenal guest, Kate Sarton, invite us to a totally different possibility: one of co-creating with your kids, their awareness, your awareness and the possibilities that are available right now.
Kate walks us through the difference she is with her daughter. From a “yes day” experience to how trusting our children's awareness and co-creating what works for them and works for us can be an adventure you share together..
Acknowledge and invite your children to acknowledge that their joy and enthusiasm for life is a contribution.
Ask: What can I be with them that invites them to be empowered and choose their joy every day?
What is it that you be, that your kid actually chose you for, that is not in any manual, recipe or instructions for you to be it?
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Episode 58 - The Beauty of Being Different
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
We live in a world where being judged for being too much is as common as breathing. In fact, many people grow up thinking that everywhere they were not normal was wrong.
But, what if every wrongness is a hidden strongness?
For example, being a dreamer is often seen as such a bad thing and rarely encouraged, but actually most of anything that has entirely changed the world has come from someone who dreamt of something different.
What if you are also like that?
What if in every wrongness of you there is a strongness underneath it?
In this podcast our guest, Arthur Wood, talks about the beauty of being you. All of you. Even the “too much” of you. And, how when you actually acknowledge it your life becomes way easier.
What if you can finally start living as who you truly be?
Are you ready to fall in love with you and show it to the world?
Join our host, Sarah Grandinetti, and guest, Arthur, on a journey of too much and what a gift it is to be all of you.
Take Aways
-Acknowledge where you were shut down for being too much and start asking
For the strongness underneath it to show up.
-Stop being fearful of being different.
-Let go of everything you think it has to look like, and free fall into being you